(((BREAKING NEWS))) Know Your Future - Actual vs (AI) Intelligence


Approaching rapidly - Is a time when every single person living on planet earth will be integrated into one of two dimensions.

(FIRST Dimension) The population of "Dimension One" will consist of the following.

1. Very shortly they will become part of the "Rapture of Believers" as the "Age of Grace" comes to an end. 

This could possibly commence toward the end of 2023 or shortly thereafter, because this is the next scheduled prophetic event.

2. All individuals of this first group will instantly receive immortal bodies and translate to the dimension of space that is prepared for them.

They will occupy this space for seven years and return with "The Word of God".

3. All individuals of the first dimension will go through the Judgment Seat of Christ for a review of their past works, will receive a Heavenly mansion, will receive one of five crowns if deserved, will receive rulership over the nations, will receive bodies that can appear and disappear at will, will not be subject to the limitations of regular humans as in your prior life. 

For additional information please view the video below!

(SECOND Dimension) - The population of "Dimension Two" will consist of the following.

1. This group will not be included in "The Rapture" because they did not accept Christ as their savior. They will be forced to go through "The Tribulation" which will consist of 21 judgements. 

2. The rapture occurs just before the tribulation. Immediately after the rapture, there will not be any Christians on the earth because all Christians will have been removed.

3. After the rapture, some non-believers will become Christians. The book of Revelation reveals that God will send the 144,000 witnesses (Revelation 7:4-8), the two witnesses (Revelation 11:1-10) and an angel to preach the gospel (Revelation 14:6) about Jesus Christ. 

The world will be called to repent but the vast majority will refuse and instead curse God (Revelation 16:21).

4. There will be a second chance after the rapture for people to become a Christian. Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17 reveals that some people will become Christians in the tribulation. Yet, many of these Christians will die (Revelation 20:4).

5. To become a Christian means almost certain death. Therefore, after the rapture, will there be Christians be on the earth? The answer is yes.

6. This short video featured below will provide a little more information about the tribulation and the pathways that it will take.


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