It Only Takes Three Days to Integrate the Constructs from any of My "50" Self Help Fields into the Main Frame of Your Subconscious Mind for Future Processing and Activation.


Utilize The Power of Visualization to Manifest Your Unprocessed Goals - There are "50" self-help diverse areas of concentration listed at the bottom of this communication which will take you to This Portal: CLICK HERE

The Power of Visualization: 

Manifesting Your Desires
In this blog post, we will explore the power of visualization and how it can help manifest our desires. We will discuss the insights from Joseph Murphy's book, 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,' and the techniques recommended by personal development experts. 

By understanding the role of our beliefs, thoughts, and intentions, we can harness the power of our subconscious mind to create the reality we desire.

Case in Point: 
For The "Kindle Vella" Self-help Article, I choose "50" out of around "175" researched articles that I had pre-published over time.

The "50" self-help items that I chose to select from my vast research folder of researched material were simply compartmented over time in my computer files, laying dormant until a time when I found them advantages to integrate and publish them.

The Power of Mental Imagery:

Our mind is a powerful tool, capable of shaping our reality in ways we may not even realize. Yet so often, we find ourselves focusing on what we lack, on what we don't have, rather than harnessing the true potential of our imagination. 

This tendency to fixate on our perceived limitations can be a barrier to our growth and happiness.

However, there are moments in history that serve as a powerful reminder of the extraordinary power of mental imagery. One such example is the story of the renowned artist Michelangelo. 

When faced with a block of marble, he didn't just see it as a lifeless material; he saw the potential for greatness within it. He could visualize the dormant angel trapped within the stone, waiting to be set free.

This ability to imagine and visualize is at the core of mental imagery. It is the practice of creating vivid images or scenes in our mind, with the intention to bring about desired outcomes. 

When we tap into this power, we immerse ourselves in the state of already having what we desire. It is a process of activating our mind to work on our behalf.

The Power of Perception:

Our perception plays a significant role in shaping our reality. When we perceive lack and scarcity, we attract more of the same into our lives. Conversely, when we shift our perception and focus on abundance and possibilities, we open ourselves up to a world of opportunities. Mental imagery is a powerful tool for transforming our perception.

By visualizing and immersing ourselves in the experience of already having what we desire, we shift our perception from a mindset of lack to one of abundance. 

We train our mind to see the possibilities, to believe that what we desire is within reach. This shift in perception empowers us to take action and make the necessary changes to manifest our desires.

The Art of Visualization:

Visualization is the cornerstone of mental imagery. It is the process of creating detailed mental images of our desires, as if they were already a reality. 

When we practice visualization, we activate our imagination and tap into the power of our subconscious mind.

To begin the practice of visualization, find a quiet space where you can relax and focus. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to become fully present in the moment. 

Now, imagine your desired outcome with as much detail as possible. Engage all your senses – what do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in this imagined reality?

For example, if your desire is to start a successful business, visualize yourself walking into your office, seeing your employees working diligently, hearing the sound of phones ringing with new orders, and feeling a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

Allow yourself to fully immerse in this mental image and embrace the emotions associated with it.

It's important to note that visualization is not about daydreaming or wishful thinking. It is about engaging all your senses to create a vivid and compelling mental image of your desired reality. 

The more detailed and specific you can be in your visualization, the more powerfully it will impact your subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind and the Law of Attraction:

Our subconscious mind is a powerful force that influences our thoughts, behavior, and ultimately, our reality. It is the part of our mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness, storing our beliefs, memories, and emotions. 

By harnessing the power of mental imagery, we can tap into the limitless potential of our subconscious mind.

The Law of Attraction, a universal law that states that like attracts like, is closely intertwined with mental imagery. When we visualize our desires, we align our thoughts and emotions with the reality we want to create. 

This alignment sends a clear signal to the universe, attracting opportunities, people, and circumstances that are in harmony with our vision.

For example, if you consistently visualize yourself in a loving and fulfilling relationship, you are more likely to attract a partner who aligns with that vision. By focusing your thoughts and emotions on the desired outcome, you create a magnetic field of energy that draws in the experiences and people that match your vibration.

The Power of Affirmations:

Affirmations are powerful statements that affirm our desires and beliefs. They effectively program our subconscious mind and reinforce the mental images we create through visualization. 

By repeating positive affirmations, we condition our mind to accept and internalize our desired reality.

When crafting affirmations, it's important to use present tense language and to phrase them as if what we desire is already a reality. For example, instead of saying, "I will be successful," reframe it as "I am successful." This subtle shift in language shifts our mindset from future expectation to present belief.

Repeat your affirmations regularly, preferably in conjunction with your visualization practice. Write them down, speak to them aloud, or create affirmations recording that you can listen to. 

The key is to immerse yourself in the emotions associated with your desired reality and to reinforce your belief in its manifestation.

Taking Inspired Action:

Mental imagery and visualization are powerful tools for manifesting our desires, but they are not enough on their own. 

We must also take inspired action towards our goals. While our mind is a powerful force, it needs the support of our actions to bring about the desired outcomes.

As you engage in mental imagery and visualize your desired reality, be open to receiving insights and guidance. Pay attention to synchronicities and opportunities that present themselves. 

Trust your intuition and take inspired action towards your goals, even if it feels uncomfortable or challenging.

Remember, the universe responds to our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. By aligning our mental imagery with inspired action, we unleash the full potential of our creative power.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind:

Our beliefs, thoughts, and opinions shape our reality. This is a concept that Joseph Murphy, a renowned psychologist and author, emphasizes in his work. 

According to Murphy, our subconscious mind plays a significant role in manifesting our experiences and desires.

The subconscious mind is a powerful force within us. It operates beyond our conscious awareness, yet it influences our thoughts, behavior, and ultimately, our reality. 

One fascinating characteristic of the subconscious mind is that it cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. This means that what we vividly imagine and visualize can produce the same emotions and feelings as if they were real.

Understanding this aspect of our mind opens up incredible possibilities. By harnessing the power of visualization, we can effectively communicate our desires to the subconscious and initiate the manifestation process.

The Practice of Visualization:

Visualization is a technique that involves creating detailed mental images of what we desire. It is not just a passive act but an active engagement of our imagination. When we visualize our desires, we bring them to life within our minds.

To effectively utilize visualization, we must engage all our senses. We should not only see but also feel, hear, smell, and taste the experience we desire. 

The more vividly we can imagine and experience our desires, the stronger the impact on our subconscious mind.

For example, if we desire financial abundance, we can visualize ourselves holding a significant amount of money. We can imagine the texture, color, and weight of the currency. 

We can hear the sound of the cash as we count it and feel the excitement and gratitude that comes with having financial freedom. 

By immersing ourselves in this visualization, we send clear instructions to our subconscious mind, which then works to bring our desires into reality.

The Power of Emotions:

One crucial aspect of visualization is the power of emotions. Emotions serve as the energetic fuel that propels our desires into manifestation. 

When we feel the joy, gratitude, and excitement associated with our desires, we elevate our vibrational frequency and create a magnetic attraction to what we want.

Our emotions act as a powerful amplifier, signaling to the universe and our subconscious mind the intensity of our desires. 

When we visualize with a deep emotional connection, we imprint our desires more strongly on our subconscious, making it more likely for them to manifest in our lives.

It's important to note that the subconscious mind responds to the dominant emotions we experience, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. 

This means that if we constantly worry and feel fear about our desires not coming true, our subconscious mind will work to manifest more situations that reflect those emotions.

Visualization Techniques:

There are various techniques one can use to enhance the practice of visualization:

Meditation: By engaging in meditation, we can quiet our conscious mind and create a receptive state for visualization. Regular meditation allows us to tap into our subconscious more easily and enhances our ability to visualize effectively.

Creating a Vision Board: A vision board is a visual representation of our desires. By creating a collage of images, words, and symbols that represent what we want, we can regularly focus our attention and emotions on our desires.

Guided Imagery: Guided imagery involves listening to audio recordings or following scripts that lead us through a visualization process. These recordings provide prompts and suggestions, making it easier for us to visualize and connect with our desires.

Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce our desires. By repeatedly stating affirmations related to our desires, we program our subconscious mind to align with what we want.

Integrating Visualization into Daily Life:

To effectively harness the power of visualization, it is essential to make it a part of our daily routine:

1. Create a Ritual: Set aside a specific time each day for visualization. It could be in the morning upon waking up or before going to bed at night. Consistency is key in establishing a strong connection with our subconscious mind.

2. Practice Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude amplifies the effectiveness of visualization. Before engaging in visualization, take a few moments to express gratitude for what you already have. Gratitude opens the door for more blessings to come into your life.

3. Be Specific: Clearly define your desires and visualize them with as much detail as possible. The more specific and vivid your visualizations, the more potent their impact on the subconscious mind.

4. Trust the Process: Trust that your visualizations are being received by your subconscious mind and that they are working towards manifesting your desires. Let go of any doubts or resistance and maintain a state of expectation and anticipation.

5. Take Inspired Action: Visualization is not a substitute for action. While visualizing, be open and receptive to intuitive guidance and take inspired action when opportunities arise. The subconscious mind often presents us with synchronistic events and ideas that align with our desires.

Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting our desires: 

By harnessing the inherent capabilities of our subconscious mind, we can align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with what we want to experience in our lives.

 Through consistent practice and a deep connection with our desires, we can send clear instructions to our subconscious mind, which then works tirelessly to bring our dreams into reality. 

So, let your imagination soar, feel the emotions of your desires, and watch as your visualization powers the manifestation of your dreams.

The Influence of Thoughts and Beliefs:

Our minds have an incredible power to shape our reality. The thoughts and beliefs that we hold strongly in our minds tend to manifest themselves in our lives. 

It is as if our minds conspire to create circumstances and attract opportunities that align with our deeply held beliefs.

It all starts with our imagination. Whatever we can imagine and deeply feel, the circumstances of our lives will conspire to bring it into reality. 

Our thoughts and beliefs act as magnets, attracting the experiences, people, and situations that mirror our inner world.

One of the ways our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality is by influencing the types of people we surround ourselves with. Have you ever noticed that you tend to be drawn to people who share similar beliefs or thoughts? 

This is not a coincidence. Our minds naturally seek out those who resonate with our inner world and reflect our beliefs back to us.

Imagine, for instance, that you believe strongly in the power of positive thinking and personal growth. You will naturally gravitate towards individuals who share this belief. 

These like-minded people will not only provide validation and support, but they will also offer opportunities for growth and learning. This is because the circumstances and relationships that enter our lives are influenced by our inner beliefs.

But how exactly do our thoughts and beliefs have such a profound impact on our reality? How can intangible thoughts affect tangible outcomes?

Studies have shown that our thoughts, feelings, and intentions can actually affect our genes. The field of epigenetics has provided evidence that our mind-body connection is real. 

What we think and feel can alter the expression of our genes, influencing our health and overall well-being.

For example, if we consistently harbor negative beliefs and thoughts, it can lead to stress, which in turn can compromise our immune system and make us more susceptible to illness. 

On the other hand, having positive beliefs and thoughts can boost our immune system and enhance our overall health.

It is no wonder, then, that many spiritual traditions and healing practices emphasize the importance of cultivating positive thoughts and beliefs. 

These practices recognize that our thoughts have the power to influence our reality and shape our experiences.

So, how can we harness the power of our thoughts and beliefs to create a more fulfilling and abundant life?

1. Cultivate Awareness

The first step is to become aware of the thoughts and beliefs that are shaping our reality. 

We can start by observing our inner dialogue and noticing any recurring patterns or limiting beliefs. 

By shining a light on these beliefs, we can begin to question their validity and explore alternative perspectives.

2. Choose Empowering Beliefs

Once we have identified any limiting beliefs, we can consciously choose to replace them with empowering beliefs that support our goals and aspirations. 

For example, if we have a belief that we are not deserving of success, we can choose to adopt a belief that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to.

3. Practice Visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting our desires. By vividly imagining our desired outcome and feeling the emotions associated with it, we send a clear message to the universe about what we want to attract into our lives. 

Whether it is a new job, a loving relationship, or improved health, visualization can help bring our desires into physical reality.

4. Surround Yourself with Positivity

As mentioned earlier, we tend to attract people and circumstances that align with our beliefs. 

Surrounding ourselves with positive, supportive individuals can help reinforce our empowering beliefs and create a supportive environment for manifesting our dreams.

Visualization Techniques:

To harness the power of visualization, personal development experts like Joseph Murphy recommend various techniques that can help individuals manifest their desires and achieve their goals. 

The practice of visualization involves creating a mental image of what you want to achieve or experience, and incorporating all your senses to make it feel as real as possible. 

By actively engaging in these techniques, you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind and attract the things you desire into your life.


One of the most widely recognized techniques for visualization is meditation. By entering a calm and relaxed state of mind, you can visualize your goals with deeper clarity and focus. 

During meditation, you can choose to meditate on a specific word or affirmation that resonates with your desired outcome. 

This helps to reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs and allows you to align your conscious and subconscious mind towards your goals.

Mental Movies

Another effective visualization technique is creating mental movies. Just like watching a movie in your mind, you can visualize yourself achieving your goals and living your desired reality. 

You can imagine the details of the scene, the people involved, and the emotions you would experience. 

By repeatedly playing these mental movies in your mind, you strengthen the neural pathways associated with your goals, making them more attainable in reality.

Vision Boards:

A vision board is a physical or digital collage of images, words, and affirmations that represent your goals and aspirations. 

By curating a visual representation of what you want to manifest, you create a constant reminder of your desires. 

Each time you look at your vision board, you activate the power of visualization, reinforcing your intentions and programming your mind to attract the experiences and opportunities needed to achieve your goals.

It is important to note that while visualization techniques can be powerful tools for manifestation, lack of confidence and excessive effort can hinder their effectiveness. 

Doubts and negative thoughts can create resistance and limit your ability to fully engage with the visualization process. 

Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate belief in your worthiness and trust in the process of visualization.

When practicing visualization, it is helpful to pretend that it is your inherent right to have what you desire. 

By adopting the mindset that you deserve the outcomes you visualize, you shift your energy towards attracting those experiences into your life. 

This mindset helps to remove any subconscious limitations or doubts that may be holding you back.

Visualization techniques are most effective when practiced consistently and with genuine belief. 

It is essential to set aside dedicated time for visualization exercises, whether through meditation, mental movies, or engaging with vision boards. 

By regularly immersing yourself in these techniques, you strengthen the connection between your conscious and subconscious mind, allowing for greater alignment and manifestation of your desires.

How to Overcome Subconscious Resistance:

If you find yourself facing obstacles or encountering problems in various areas of your life, it could be a sign that your subconscious mind is not fully convinced that you deserve what you want. 

Our subconscious beliefs and thoughts guide our actions and decisions, often without us consciously realizing it. 

To achieve success and reach our goals, it is crucial to address any subconscious resistance and work on shifting our beliefs and thoughts to align with our desires.

1. Examine Your Beliefs and Thoughts

The first step in overcoming subconscious resistance is to become aware of your underlying beliefs and thoughts. 

These beliefs and thoughts might stem from past experiences, upbringing, cultural influences, or societal conditioning. 

Take some time to reflect on your beliefs and thought patterns related to the specific area where you are facing challenges.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I truly believe about my ability to achieve success in this area?

  • Do I have any limiting beliefs that are holding me back?

  • What negative thoughts or self-doubts do I have?

  • Am I sabotaging my own progress with negative self-talk?

Be honest with yourself and write down any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that come to mind. Awareness is the first step in making positive changes.

2. Challenge and Reframe Limiting Beliefs

Once you have identified your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, it's time to challenge them and reframe them into more empowering and supportive beliefs.

Remember that beliefs are not facts; they are just thoughts that we have repeated to ourselves over time.

Ask yourself:

  • Is there any evidence to support my limiting beliefs?

  • Are there any alternative perspectives or beliefs that could serve me better?

For example, if you believe that you are not deserving of success in a certain area because of past failures, challenge that belief by reminding yourself of your strengths. 

Past accomplishments, and the lessons you have learned from those failures.

Reframe your limiting beliefs into positive affirmations and repeat them to yourself daily. You can use statements such as:

I am deserving of success and happiness.

I have the ability to overcome any obstacles in my path.

I am worthy of achieving my goals.

By consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, you are rewiring your subconscious mind and creating new neural pathways that support your desired outcome.

3. Visualization and Vision Boards

Visualization is a powerful technique to reprogram your subconscious mind and overcome resistance. 

Create a clear mental image of the outcomes you desire in the specific area where you are facing challenges. 

See yourself already achieving those goals and experiencing the success you desire.

Additionally, vision boards can be a valuable tool to reinforce positive beliefs and keep your desires at the forefront of your mind. 

Gather images, words, and quotes that represent your goals and aspirations. Arrange them on a physical or digital vision board that you can regularly review and update.

When you visualize and look at your vision board, you are sending a clear message to your subconscious mind that these desires are important to you. 

This helps to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your goals, reducing subconscious resistance.

4. Take Aligned Action

While addressing subconscious resistance is vital, it's equally important to take action towards your goals. 

Without action, even the most positive thoughts and beliefs will not bring about the desired results.

Break down your goals into small, manageable steps and create an action plan. Take consistent action and celebrate each milestone along the way. 

By taking aligned action, you are reinforcing your positive beliefs and strengthening your subconscious conviction that you deserve what you want.

Remember, overcoming subconscious resistance requires ongoing effort and commitment. Be patient with yourself and practice self-compassion as you work on shifting your beliefs and thoughts. 

With persistence and a positive mindset, you can overcome any resistance and achieve the success you desire in all areas of your life.




Different individuals have different self-help needs; Please re-examine the "50" subjects below and if you find that any of the subjects can fit your needs, simply take advantage of them.




Instant self-help revelation knowledge is quite often a strongly suppressed basic desire that we go through life harboring needlessly.

Yes, quite often we go through life harboring fears, questions, doubts, and a strong desire to have basic or controversial issues resolved. 

In order to attain peace of mind and not live daily lives of fear, doubt, and unbelief, self-help articles are a way for people to access free advice, tips, and techniques for making positive changes to lives. 

In need of positive change, even if this information is suppressed by your subconscious mind. 

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Within this list of "50" self-help researched items that could enhance, revolutionize, and improve your self-help knowledge base more than likely you will find one or several self-help subjects that you find compatible with your thinking constructs.


Episode 1: Understanding ESP and The Power that you have hidden.

Episode 2: Exploring ESP vs Intuition Remote Viewing – Spying.

Episode 3: The Telepathic Genius Child Factor.

Episode 4: Differences Between (AI) and Human Intelligence.

Episode 5: How To Make Better Decisions via (AI) and ESP.

Episode 6: There Are Superhuman Levels of ESP - Find Out About Them.

Episode 7: How To REPROGRAM Your Mind Progressively.

Episode 8: Get What You Visualize In Only 3 Days Using.

Episode 9: This May Surprise You; There Are Nephilim Descendants Here.

Episode 10: Secret Tech: (Bioweapons & Mind Control are Here now.


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Episode 11: (ESP) "CLASSIFIED Only Information" that Only a few know.

Episode 12: A Perfect Other Dimension Time Portals Plus Black Holes.

Episode 13: Things They're NOT Telling You About the New (AI) Power.

Episode 14: Vital Skills You Need NOW to Stay Ahead.

Episode 15: The Modernization of Witchcraft is Causing Many to Go Nuts.

Episode 16: The Beast Mark Already Started but People Don't See 

Episode 17: How to Realize That YOU HAVE A SPIRITUAL GIFT.

Episode 18: CIA, ESP, Psychic Program, Spy Secrets, Declassified Papers.

Episode 19: Stargate Project: When the CIA Dabbled in the Psychic World.

Episode 20: The CIA's Secret Mind Control Program: MK-Ultra.


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Episode 21: Is Reality Real or Not and Why?

Episode 22: (((Part One))) (AI) Is Becoming More Dangerous.

Episode 23: (((Part Two))) (AI) Is Becoming More Dangerous.

Episode 24: Artificial Intelligence Can be About an "Oppenheimer 

Episode 25: Has Quantum Mechanics Proved That Reality Does Not Exist?

Episode 26: Does Your Brain Detect Reality or Does It Create It?

Episode 27: Why (AI) Matters and How to Deal with the Coming Change.


Episode 29: Why Are There Giants After the Flood.

Episode 30: Question - Why is Everyone Investigating the "


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Episode 31: How the Nephilim Returned AFTER The Flood of Noah.

Episode 32: Scientists Just Opened a Cave Sealed for Millions of Years.

Episode 33: How To BRAINWASH Yourself for Success.

Episode 34: Most People Don't Even Realize What is about to happen 

Episode 35: A Vital Fact - Satan Doesn't Want This Uncovered.

Episode 36: Question - Where Did Satan's First Evil Desire Come From?

Episode 37: Mighty Revelation Who is GOD - Most People Have No Idea.

Episode 38: THE SECRET POWER OF THE Universe Within.

Episode 39: Learn HOW Powerful YOUR Words are and What You Can Do with them.

Episode 40: The Universe TESTS YOU Before Your Reality Changes.


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Episode 41: Anything That You Wish Will Happen by Manifesting.

Episode 42: Powerful Knowledge - 12 Foods to REVERSE Kidney Damage.

Episode 43: What Happens When You Start Eating PEANUT BUTTER Daily?

Episode 44: If You Want, STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL NOW - Here is How!

Episode 45: This Simple Trick Will Fix ALL of your PROBLEMS!

Episode 46: The Pyramid Code - What is This Information Source?

Episode 47: 3 Signs You Are Going to Hell and Why!

Episode 48: The 9 Types of Biblical Angels Explained.

Episode 49: Read This: Jesus Explained the Truth About Demonic Attacks.

Episode 50: An Anunnaki Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in a TOMB.


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Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Simply Click on the First Three Episodes 
for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.


Final Thought Video, If You are Looking to Become a Kindle Vella Author



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