
The Origin and History of Giants According to Scriptures and Other Documented Facts

  Background One: The origin of the first giants in ancient times, according to the Bible, were the offspring of angelic beings and human women. These first giants were called Nephilim, which had the meaning of "the fallen ones" and were one of the major reasons of the Flood of Noah. They inhabited Canaan after the Flood but  were mostly driven out by Joshua. One of the most famous giants was Goliath, a Philistine warrior who was slain by David. A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900's that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence. This involved showing that giant human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time. In actuality, two organizations have been routinely blamed for the cover-up of giants

Golden Business Service Reveals (AGI) via Our Revolutionary "Artificial General intelligence" White-Paper

  Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the ultimate goal of AI, aiming to create machines that possess the same capabilities as humans.  This blog post explores the concept of AGI, its potential applications, and the challenges in achieving it. What is Artificial General Intelligence? Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to the development of machines that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can do.  Unlike narrow AI, which focuses on specific tasks, AGI aims to encompass a wide range of abilities, including abstract thinking, common sense, background knowledge, transfer learning, and causal understanding. Narrow AI vs Artificial General Intelligence Before diving deeper into the concept of Artificial General Intelligence, it is important to understand the distinction between narrow AI and AGI. Narrow AI, also known as weak AI, is designed to perform specific tasks and is limited to a narrow domain of expertise.  Examples of narrow AI systems include voice

Golden Business Service Filling in The Gaps of History & Noah's Flood Genetics

  Golden Business Service  Filling in The Gaps of History Do you know the truth about "Ancient History" and how the world regenerated after "Noah's Flood"? The post flood world began with eight people; however, global educators provide only limited information about them.  However, the information is there if you are willing to do the research.  Let's start with the 3 wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noha's Daughters in Law on The Ark and After the Flood.  These very important individuals who were ground zero for all races in the world were given limited biographical information by world educational systems throughout history. I would wager to bet that very few of you reading this communication know the names and lineage that Noah's daughters-in-law founded;  Plus, a failure to do so has handicapped students, educators, and historians of the post-antediluvian time period.    The antediluvian (alternatively pre-diluvian or pre-flood) period is the tim