The Origin and History of Giants According to Scriptures and Other Documented Facts


Background One:

The origin of the first giants in ancient times, according to the Bible, were the offspring of angelic beings and human women.

These first giants were called Nephilim, which had the meaning of "the fallen ones" and were one of the major reasons of the Flood of Noah.

They inhabited Canaan after the Flood but were mostly driven out by Joshua. One of the most famous giants was Goliath, a Philistine warrior who was slain by David.

A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900's that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence.

This involved showing that giant human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

In actuality, two organizations have been routinely blamed for the cover-up of giants in North America. The first is the Smithsonian Institution, which is often accused of either hiding or destroying evidence of giants.

The second, is a law known as NAGPRA, which is the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. 

There was a vast "Smithsonian and NAGPRA Conspiracy" to cover Up giants by these two organizations on a master scale.

NAGPRA is a law meant to give rights and power back to the Native American tribes that have been marginalized throughout America’s history.

Background Two:

A spokesperson named Vieira got himself in trouble when he took the claims of the Smithsonian cover-up and the use of the NAGPRA law to facilitate this cover-up on the TEDx stage.

He gave a talk about his work trying to prove giants' existence as he brought up his thoughts about the conspiracy of the two mentioned organizations to hide them.

It was not received well. His talk was removed from the TEDx website for “failure to meet minimal standards for scientific proof.” Sadly, this rejection by the ‘establishment’ only made Vieira more popular among the pseudoscientific community. 


The Sacred Scriptures mention several giants, with Goliath being the most famous among them. 

These giants, known as the Rephaim or Refaim, were a race of impressive stature giants which inhabited various regions, including the land of Canaan. 

In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating tales of Goliath and his five brothers, their plots for revenge, and their ultimate defeat. 

Join us on this journey to uncover the legends of multiple ancient giants, in addition to Goliath and his brothers.

Goliath: The Mighty Giant

The Sacred Scriptures mention several giants, with Goliath being the most famous among them. These particular giants, known as the Rephaim were a race of six finger / toes 

Goliath, the renowned giant from the Sacred Scriptures, is perhaps the most well-known figure among the Rephaim.

Standing at an astonishing height of 10 to 15 feet and a width of 6.5 feet, Goliath was a formidable opponent. 

His immense size and strength made him a fearsome warrior, capable of striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Goliath's story begins in the land of the Philistines, where he served as a champion for their army. 

Clad in bronze armor and wielding a massive spear, Goliath was a sight to behold on the battlefield. 

He challenged the Israelites to send out a champion to face him in single combat, with the winner determining the outcome of the war between the two nations.

Many Israelite soldiers were reluctant to face Goliath, terrified by his imposing stature and reputation as a skilled warrior.

However, a young shepherd named David volunteered to take on the giant. 

Armed with only a slingshot and a few stones, David stepped forward to confront Goliath.

Despite being heavily armored, Goliath was no match for David's agility and precision. With a single stone, David struck Goliath in the forehead, causing him to fall to the ground. 

David quickly approached the fallen giant and used Goliath's own sword to sever his head, ensuring his defeat and ultimate demise.

While Goliath's defeat by David is often the focus of the story, it is important to remember that his legacy did not end there. 

Goliath had five brothers, each of whom was equally fearsome and sought revenge for his demise.

These brothers, known as the sons of Rapha, were formidable adversaries themselves. 

Like Goliath, they were giant warriors, known for their strength, size, and skills in battle. 

They were determined to avenge Goliath's death and bring harm to the Israelites.

Throughout the Sacred Scriptures, we find references to these brothers and their attempts to seek revenge. 

While their individual stories may not be as well-known as that of Goliath, they provide further insight into the mighty strength and power of the Rephaim.

Despite their best efforts, however, the brothers of Goliath were ultimately unsuccessful in their quest for revenge. 

The Israelites, under the leadership of King David and other mighty warriors, were able to defend themselves against these giants, proving that size alone does not guarantee victory in battle.

The story of Goliath and his brothers serves as a reminder that physical strength is not the only measure of power. 

It is the courage, determination, and skill of the individual that can truly make a difference in the face of formidable opponents.

As we reflect on the story of Goliath, let us remember that even the mightiest giants can be overcome with faith, strategy, and unwavering resolve. 

In facing our own challenges and obstacles, may we be inspired by the example set by David and the Israelites, knowing that with determination and belief in our own abilities, we too can conquer the giants in our lives.

The Revenge Plot

After the death of Goliath, the infamous giant who was defeated by King David, a new threat emerged in the form of Goliath's five brothers. 

Filled with anger and a desire for revenge, these giants conspired to bring down King David and his kingdom. 

Each of them possessed unique weapons and extraordinary strength, making them formidable opponents, as I mentioned earlier.

Lami - The First Brother

The first of Goliath's brothers was Lami, a giant known for his massive spear. Lami was as tall as Goliath and just as strong. He had honed his spear-throwing skills, making him a deadly adversary. 

With every swing, Lami could launch his spear with incredible force and accuracy, posing a significant threat to anyone who dared to stand against him.

King David, aware of the revenge plot, understood the dangers posed by Lami. He knew that he would need to rely on his strategic wit and the blessings of the Lord to overcome this formidable opponent.

The Colossal Unnamed Giant

Among Goliath's brothers was a colossal giant, whose name has been lost to history. 

Standing even taller than Goliath, this giant possessed a unique feature - six fingers on each hand and foot.

This additional digit on each appendage made the giant's grip incredibly strong, enabling him to wield weapons with ease.

Armed with a mighty sword, the colossal giant would strike fear into the hearts of anyone who witnessed his sheer size and strength. 

King David knew that facing this giant would require not only physical strength but also immense courage and unwavering faith in the Lord's protection, as with the other brothers.

A Combined Threat

With each of Goliath's brothers possessing unique weapons and extraordinary strength, their combined might posed a significant threat to King David and his kingdom. 

These giants were determined to avenge their brother's defeat and were relentless in their pursuit.

King David understood the gravity of the situation and sought guidance from the Lord, as usual.

He knew that defeating these giants would require careful planning, skillful execution, and above all, more divine intervention. 

With his trust firmly placed in the Lord, King David prepared himself and his army for the impending battle.

The news of the revenge plot spread throughout the kingdom, causing concern and fear among the people. 

However, King David reassured them that with the Lord's help, they would emerge victorious. 

He rallied his troops and instilled in them a sense of unwavering faith and determination.

The Battle Begins

As the day of reckoning arrived, the battlefield was set. King David and his army stood face-to-face with Goliath's brothers, ready to defend their kingdom and their faith. 

The giants towered over them, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight, as they prepared to strike.

King David led his men with courage and conviction. 

He encouraged them to trust in the Lord's strength and to fight with everything they had. 

The battle was fierce, with each side unleashing their full might. 

The clash of swords and the twang of arrows filled the air, as King David's army fought valiantly against the giants.

The Triumph of Faith

Despite the giants' immense size and strength, King David's unwavering faith and the Lord's divine intervention turned the tide of the battle. 

With each swing of his sword, King David struck down his enemies, one by one. His men fought alongside him, their trust in the Lord unwavering.

Slowly but surely, the giants fell, their revenge plot crumbling before them. 

King David and his army emerged victorious, their faith and determination prevailing against all odds. 

The kingdom rejoiced, grateful for their king's leadership and steadfast belief in the Lord's protection.

The Giants' Defeat and Refuge

Despite their imposing stature and vengeful intentions, the giants faced defeat at the hands of David and his allies. 

The tales of their defeats have become legendary in the annals of history, testifying to the courage and prowess of David’s men.

Ishbi-Benob’s Defeat

One of the most notable giants to face defeat was Ishbi-Benob.

Filled with rage and a desire to harm David, he confronted the young shepherd who would later become the great King of Israel.

Ishbi-Benob, with his immense strength and size, towered over David, seeking to crush him and assert his dominance.

However, David’s loyal ally, Abishai, was not willing to let any harm befall his leader. 

Abishai, knowing the strength and danger that Ishbi-Benob posed, engaged in a fierce battle with the giant.

The clash of steel and the thunderous impact of blows echoed through the air as the combatants fought valiantly.

In the end, it was Abishai who emerged victorious. With a mighty stroke, he struck down Ishbi-Benob, delivering a fatal blow that ended the giant’s reign of terror. 

David and his men stood in awe of Abishai’s bravery and skill, forever grateful for his unwavering loyalty.

The Demise of Saph

Another giant, Saph, also met his tragic demise in battle. He had aligned himself with the Philistines, who were known for their fierce rivalry with David and the Israelites. 

Saph was a formidable adversary, feared by many for his immense size and brutal strength.

It was Sibbecai the Hushathite, one of David’s mighty warriors, who accepted the challenge to confront Saph.

Armed with unwavering determination, Sibbecai proved himself to be a force to be reckoned with. 

The clash between the two giants shook the very foundations of the battlefield, their power echoing across the land.

In a breathtaking display of courage, Sibbecai managed to overcome Saph’s advantages and strike a fatal blow. 

The mighty giant fell, defeated by the unwavering resolve and skill of David’s warrior. 

The Israelites rejoiced, celebrating the victory that had been won against all odds.

Forced Into Refuge

These defeats were not isolated incidents; they had a profound impact on the remaining giants. 

The humiliation and fear of facing the relentless might of David and his allies compelled the surviving giants to seek refuge in distant lands.

Philistia, Mesopotamia, and neighboring countries became the safe havens for these defeated giants. 

They hoped to find solace and protection in these foreign lands, far away from the reach of David’s forces. 

The giants, once revered for their strength, were now reduced to a state of vulnerability and exile.

Their stories spread across the lands, serving as a reminder of the indomitable spirit and determination of David and his men.

The defeated giants became cautionary tales, an assurance that even the mightiest can be brought down by the righteous and brave.

Legends of Giants Across the World

While the giants mentioned in the Bible captivate our imagination, legends of similar colossal beings exist in various regions of the world. 

These tales suggest the presence of giants in ancient times and add to the intrigue surrounding these larger-than-life figures.

Join us as we explore the global legends that echo the stories of Goliath, his brothers and other huge beings.

1. Giants in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, there are several notable giants mentioned in various stories and legends. One of the most famous is the giant Typhon, who was considered the father of all monsters. 

He was described as a creature with a hundred serpentine heads and a fierce disposition. 

Another famous giant is Polyphemus, the cyclops who appears in Homer's "Odyssey." Polyphemus is known for his single eye and for being defeated by the cleverness of Odysseus.

There are also tales of giants known as the Gigantes, who were born from the blood of the mutilated Uranus. 

These giants were said to be incredibly strong and at war with the Olympian gods.

The most well-known story involving the Gigantes is the Gigantomachy, a great battle between the gods and the giants.

2. Giants in Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology, giants played a prominent role in the creation of the world. 

According to the Poetic Edda, the first giant Ymir was killed by the gods, and his body was used to create the world. 

From his flesh, the earth was formed, and from his blood, the seas were created.

One of the most famous giants in Norse mythology is Jotunheim, the land of the giants. 

This realm is often depicted as a cold and inhospitable place, populated by formidable giants who are seen as the adversaries of the gods. 

Thor, the god of thunder, is frequently portrayed battling these giants in various myths and sagas.

3. Giants in Celtic Mythology

In Celtic mythology, giants were often associated with natural landscapes, such as mountains and rivers. 

The giant Fionn Mac Cumhaill, also known as Finn McCool, is a famous figure in Irish mythology. 

According to legend, Fionn was a giant who built the Giant's Causeway, a geological marvel on the coast of Northern Ireland.

Another Celtic giant is Bran the Blessed, who appears in Welsh mythology. Bran is known for his loyalty and bravery in protecting his kingdom. 

In one tale, his severed head continued to speak and bring wisdom to his people after his death.

4. Giants in Native American Folklore

Native American folklore is rich with stories of giants. 

The Iroquois people, for example, have legends of the Stone Giants, powerful beings who shaped the landscape and were responsible for the creation of certain natural formations. 

The Navajo people also have tales of giants, such as the Cannibal Giants, who were said to roam the land and devour humans.

5. Giants in Asian Mythology

In Asian mythology, giants are also featured in various tales. In Hindu mythology, there are stories of the Rakshasas, a race of giants with supernatural powers. 

These giants are often depicted as malevolent beings, causing havoc and chaos.

In Japanese folklore, there are stories of oni, which are commonly translated as "demons" but are often portrayed as giant, ogre-like creatures. 

These oni are often associated with evil and are depicted as formidable adversaries.


Legends of giants exist in various cultures around the world, each with their own unique characteristics and significance. 

Whether they are portrayed as heroic figures or fearsome adversaries, these myths and legends provide us with insight into the beliefs and imaginations of ancient cultures. 

The fascination with giants continues to captivate our imagination, and their stories will undoubtedly inspire awe and wonder for generations to come.


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