You May Have Suppressed Writing Abilities Just Waiting for Yourself to Give Them Expression

When you hear about a new author publishing a best seller book, do thoughts flood your mind that make you scratch your head in bewilderment, in some but not all cases?

Currently many of the Top Publishing Companies from the United States are The New York Times Company, A.H. Belo Corporation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Meredith Corporation, Scholastic Corporation, Gannett Co., Inc.; 

Also, The Daily Journal Corporation, Lee Enterprises, Incorporated, Fame Productions, Inc., Sadlier (WILLIAM H.), Inc., and Educational Development Corporation.

These are many top publishers in the country being (USA). Now simply convert the "Title of Best Seller" authors worldwide and only a small portal for generating "Best Seller" (author income) is available and that prize is for a certain percentage of privileged authors.


As I have made known, my area of writing is "The Self-help Field"; Instant self-help revelation knowledge is quite often a strongly suppressed basic desire that we go through life harboring needlessly.

Yes, quite often we go through life harboring fears, questions, doubts, and a strong desire to have basic or controversial issues resolved.

In order to attain peace of mind and not live daily lives of fear, doubt, and unbelief, self-help articles are a way for people to access free advice, tips, and techniques for making positive changes to lives in need of positive change, even if this information is suppressed by your subconscious mind.

Self-help items are especially helpful for people who have busy lives and aren't able to sit down and read a book or listen to a podcast.

There are a variety of different articles on self-help, and people can find articles that cover a variety of much needed diverse topics that may solve overt or covert desires and negative thinking.

Below is the complete list of "Self Help" researched items that can add a wealth of useful knowledge to your cognitive knowledge base.

Within this list of "50" self-help researched items that could enhance, revolutionize, and improve your self-help knowledge base, more than likely you will find one or several self-help subjects that you find compatible with your thinking constructs.

Just think, there are an untold number of talented authors of all persuasions who have unique talent that could very well secure a place on "Best Seller List", if they give it a go. 

However, unless authors are well known or have gone through events that attract immediate attention; Authors that are less glamorized have to result in self-publishing, having to utilize less scrupulous publishers, or even falling victim to publishing rip off artists.

Realizing the universal need for an alternative "Bestseller" / "Best Author" portal, "Kindle Vella" has filled in the gap for an untold number of talented authors of various subjects.

If you are reading this communication and have a desire to become an author or are already an author looking for a platform to express your talents, simply absorb the information that I have embedded in this simple article.

As I write, I am introducing a new publication model that I use called "Kindle Vella". 

What is it? 

"Kindle Vella" brings you stories released one short episode at a time and makes them available on the web at and in the Kindle app. this system makes it possible for many authors to reach their goals along diverse avenues.

This platform is open to all authors with talent and developing talent. Here are some things to look out for if you're new to the platform.

You can write or simply follow the stories that you like to keep up with on a regular basis. When you like an episode, simply give it a Thumbs Up to let the author and other readers know you liked it.

The first few episodes of every story are always free; after that, purchase Tokens for pennies and redeem them to unlock episodes. 

Tokens may only be used to unlock Kindle Vella story episodes in the Kindle app and on the web at: CLICK HERE

When you unlock episodes, you will receive one Fave a week that you can award to the story you're enjoying most that week. "Kindle Vella" features Top Faved stories so other readers can find and enjoy them also.

The following listed "50" stories are ones that I have researched extensively and will provide you with much revelation knowledge.

Episode 1: Understanding ESP and The Power that you have hidden.

Episode 2: Exploring ESP vs Intuition Remote Viewing – Spying.

Episode 3: The Telepathic Genius Child Factor.

Episode 4: Differences Between (AI) and Human Intelligence.

Episode 5: How To Make Better Decisions via (AI) and ESP.

Episode 6: There Are Superhuman Levels of ESP - Find Out About Them.

Episode 7: How To REPROGRAM Your Mind Progressively.

Episode 8: Get What You Visualize in Only 3 Days Using.

Episode 9: This May Surprise You; There Are Nephilim Descendants Here.

Episode 10: Secret Tech: (Bioweapons & Mind Control are Here now.


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Episode 11: (ESP) "CLASSIFIED Only Information" that Only a few know.

Episode 12: A Perfect Other Dimension Time Portals Plus Black Holes.

Episode 13: Things They're NOT Telling You About the New (AI) Power.

Episode 14: Vital Skills You Need NOW to Stay Ahead.

Episode 15: The Modernization of Witchcraft is Causing Many to Go Nuts.

Episode 16: The Beast Mark Already Started but People Don't See 

Episode 17: How to Realize That YOU HAVE A SPIRITUAL GIFT.

Episode 18: CIA, ESP, Psychic Program, Spy Secrets, Declassified Papers.

Episode 19: Stargate Project: When the CIA Dabbled in the Psychic World.

Episode 20: The CIA's Secret Mind Control Program: MK-Ultra.


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Episode 21: Is Reality Real or Not and Why?

Episode 22: (((Part One))) (AI) Is Becoming More Dangerous.

Episode 23: (((Part Two))) (AI) Is Becoming More Dangerous.

Episode 24: Artificial Intelligence Can be About an "Oppenheimer 

Episode 25: Has Quantum Mechanics Proved That Reality Does Not Exist?

Episode 26: Does Your Brain Detect Reality or Does It Create It?

Episode 27: Why (AI) Matters and How to Deal with the Coming Change.


Episode 29: Why Are There Giants After the Flood.

Episode 30: Question - Why is Everyone Investigating the "


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Episode 31: How the Nephilim Returned AFTER The Flood of Noah.

Episode 32: Scientists Just Opened a Cave Sealed for Millions of Years.

Episode 33: How To BRAINWASH Yourself for Success.

Episode 34: Most People Don't Even Realize What is about to happen 

Episode 35: A Vital Fact - Satan Doesn't Want This Uncovered.

Episode 36: Question - Where Did Satan's First Evil Desire Come From?

Episode 37: Mighty Revelation Who is GOD - Most People Have No Idea.

Episode 38: THE SECRET POWER OF THE Universe Within.

Episode 39: Learn HOW Powerful YOUR Words are and What You Can Do with them.

Episode 40: The Universe TESTS YOU Before Your Reality Changes.


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Episode 41: Anything That You Wish Will Happen by Manifesting.

Episode 42: Powerful Knowledge - 12 Foods to REVERSE Kidney Damage.

Episode 43: What Happens When You Start Eating PEANUT BUTTER Daily?

Episode 44: If You Want, STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL NOW - Here is How!

Episode 45: This Simple Trick Will Fix ALL of your PROBLEMS!

Episode 46: The Pyramid Code - What is This Information Source?

Episode 47: 3 Signs You Are Going to Hell and Why!

Episode 48: The 9 Types of Biblical Angels Explained.

Episode 49: Read This: Jesus Explained the Truth About Demonic Attacks.

Episode 50: An Anunnaki Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in a TOMB.


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.


Simply Click on the First Three Episodes for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.

Simply Click on the First Three Episodes 
for Free. After that utilize your 200 Gift Tokens. In order to view the remaining episodes, simply replenish your Tokens for pennies.



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